From my helm station where I watch the long Atlantic swell (what a special moment!), I can't help but think of this figure: in 2050, there will be more plastics in the oceans than animal life. It is difficult to imagine what this can represent, it is such an enormity of the trace of man on Earth. How can we get there? Today, there is still a way to reverse the order of things or in any case, to reverse this infernal machine of all plastic.
At our level, everyone on a daily basis in their professional and personal life can be an actor in this change. Each act of purchase to avoid buying plastic packaging is a committed act. This weekend, it will be Black Friday and then Christmas, we will enter this frenetic period of purchase where poor quality products, over-packaging abound… How many thousands of km2 rolls of gift wrap are produced each year to simply last a few seconds! Prefer packaging with newspapers, it's more original and it doesn't change the pleasure of giving. It's like the famous school books to be covered with plastic at the start of the school year, it makes me hysterical to see this obligation by schools, a sign of another time, and to see that these plastics are produced for nothing… Textbooks will have to be changed, they won't last 30 years… but much more plastics, they are not recyclable!
So during this period, take the time to think about each purchase, avoid compulsive purchases, ask for the product without a gift box, without a packaging bag, etc.… Consider product purchases made by responsible companies. All of this we are capable of on a daily basis, you just have to be more aware of each purchase, which is quite simple in the end. And in your professional life, if you have the possibility of changing purchasing habits, of favoring eco-responsible suppliers, of influencing your company and/or your suppliers through packaging methods… Look for the influence you can have, and try to be proactive internally.

Let's take the time to think about stopping this plastic scourge.

Romain 1,600 nautical miles from Guadeloupe, 15th day at sea


A pair of Adidas made from plastic waste recovered from the ocean.

The Entre2retros toilet bag made from fabrics intended for car seats and seat belts to give them a second life. A great idea for Christmas!