48 years old, entrepreneur, committed sailor

married and partnered with Aurélie Pilliard, father of 3, Titouan, Colas and Jodie.


“I spent time at sea, I traveled a lot, lived in China, and we can only be shocked by what we see, the pollution, the plastic, the unbreathable air, the unsafe water. drinking, climate change… We realize that we have gone too far!

We must quickly find alternative solutions to our economy, to our consumption patternsMany initiatives are underway, but change must concern everyone, and all areas. In ocean racing, and high performance sport in general, we still have a long way to go, but nothing is impossible.

The research of absolute performance at an ecological cost that Man can no longer assume.

With USE IT AGAIN I seek to raise awareness among as many people as possible aboutclimate emergency and the need to protect the Ocean. We must demonstrate sobriety and resilience, in order to accelerate our transition towards circular economy.


Studies at ESSEC BBA

2003 – Creator and director of the sports marketing agency EOL

2008 – Creator and organizer of the TOUR DE BELLE-ILE (largest race in France)

2018 – Creator of the USE IT AGAIN Endowment Fund (promotion of the circular economy)



// Prize list  on the trimaran USE IT AGAIN

2023: The Trinity – Cowes in doubles with Titouan Pilliard 2nd / 91 (3’10)

2023 : Cowes – Dinard in doubles with Titouan Pilliard 1st / 190. (2’22)

2022: Route du Rhum (Ultimate category) 8th

2022: Inverted Round the World Record Attempt 1st skipper to have completed an upside down Round the World Record (East > West) in a racing trimaran

2018: Route du Rhum (Ultimate category) 4th


Find him on his Instagram account here romainpilliard_useitagain Where Linkedin