Romain, new Coral Gardeners ambassador

Coral Gardeners has chosen Romain Pilliard as its ambassador for
raise awareness about the protection of coral all around the planet.

This is one of the most beautiful encounters of this Westabout World Tour.
During the stopover of Use It Again! by Extia in Polynesia, Romain Pilliard went to meet the coral gardeners teams.

Founded in 2017 by Titouan Bernicot, the Coral Gardeners association works daily for the reconstruction of coral reefs in Polynesia. True gardeners of the Ocean, the members of Coral Gardeners have replanted more than 15,000 corals in 5 years! These young activists, surfers, anxious to preserve their ocean also had the incredible idea of creating coral nurseries on the island of Moorea, "super corals" able to withstand the rise in water temperature, a phenomenon that unfortunately tends to increase over the years. The results are convincing with a survival rate of 97% on their rope nurseries (see photos). A concrete and innovative action praised by the skipper of Use It Again! by Extia in Polynesia and of which he is proud today to wear the colors!

>> Coral is neither a plant nor a rock, but an animal in great danger. Coral reefs cover barely 0.2% of the ocean but are home to 30% of marine biodiversity. Imagine the impact of their disappearance on the ecosystem.

If the Ocean is the lung of our planet, "corals are the lung of the Ocean" warned Titouan Bernicot at the UN in November 2021.

Let's act today for tomorrow, discover Coral Gardeners:

Photo by Dustyn Alt for Coral Gardeners

Photo by Dustyn Alt for Coral Gardeners