Gris de gris in Mauritania


At 5:30 p.m., Use It Again! is progressing at 10.7 knots along the Mauritanian coast.

A little word on board:
Hi all! We sail in the gray today! There is very little visibility, less than a mile because the wind and fine rain bring sand from the Mauritanian desert. But it's better than the cagnard! Seabirds fly over the boat and I have just been attacked by a flying fish that came to see Moby (the nickname That Ellen MacArthur had given to the boat). In short, a little gloomy day (like a Sunday in the rain) and we remain very vigilant because there are fishermen everywhere that we do not see! Last night, it was saturday night fever on board after a beautiful sunny day, on the menu: aperitif sparkling water / mint syrup, peanuts, velvety cheese and dessert ripe banana and chocolate shortbread from the Maison du Chocolat, there is no harm in doing yourself good! Happy Sunday to all.” Romain aboard Use It Again!