4,3,2,1 : Go to Saint-Malo !

Last days of preparation in La Trinité-sur-Mer for the Trimaran Use It Again by Extia team. Romain Pilliard will leave his home port this Saturday to join the Saint-Malo city which will welcome the 138 solo sailors on La Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe. On this 250-mile delivery trip to Saint-Malo, the weather conditions promise to be tough with the passage of a winter depression in the hours to come. The skipper of Use It Again by Extia will be accompanied by his technical team and his son Titouan with whom Romain had done the last stage of the Round the World Upside Down.

The 13 days of festivities in Saint-Malo will allow the technical team to fine-tune the last details, even if Use It Again by Extia is ready. It will also be an opportunity to present the circular economy and ocean protection trimaran to the many expected visitors to the race village.

On Wednesday, a final training session in strong wind conditions off Belle-Ile allowed Romain to test and validate the latest headsails resized especially for this Route du Rhum. Sun, a front passage, 20-25 knots of wind, speed peaks of more than 30 knots, the opportunity also to do a photo and video shoot in a drone on board the trimaran – without helicopter or zodiac – for an image bank with the least possible impact on the environment.