Earth Overshoot Day…

Six days after the departure of Moorea in French Polynesia, Romain Pilliard, the skipper of the TrimaranUse It Again! team by Extia continues its journey on the Pacific on this day of May 5, "Earth Overshoot Day in France".

Concretely, this means that if humanity lived like the French, the day of the depletion of our planet's resources would be this Thursday, while it is set for July 29 at the global level. If we do not act collectively and individually, from today, the resources of 2.9 planets Earth would be needed to support ourselves, just to end the year!
A day that the navigator did not live, since currently at the longitude of the Samoan Islands, Romain went directly from May 4 to 6 with the change of time zone.
«Conditions have been harsh in recent hours. I breathe a little again but even in difficulty, I take pleasure! Yesterday, the boat was jumping in all directions on the waves, I was surfing at 28 knots, fabulous sensations, but when it hits at the bottom of the wave, it's a different story. Lying in the bench, I almost finished my teeth in the kitchen. Everything rose 40 cm in the boat, I ended up with my feet in grandma's old factout. Impressive! I have to admit that the repeated sail changes pull a bit on the sailor, but what better gym than my Use It Again! by Extia on the Pacific… Romain says.