It's warming up!

Message from Captain Pilliard to all passengers on board the Use It Again! by Extia to Papeete in Polynesia.

” Ladies and gentlemen, you are arriving in the Trade Winds of the South Pacific. The water temperature is 21.2 degrees, the air temperature is 21 degrees. In front of you, 13 days under gennaker will allow you to enjoy the joys of your splendid trimaran. We hope you have had a pleasant trip on ÇaCaille airline and wish you a comfortable transit on ÇaSue Airline. Commander Pilliard and his crew will be delighted to meet you for the arrival in Papeete”.

Six days after their departure from Ushuaia, Romain and Christophe advance north of an anticyclone that they have managed to circumvent narrowly. The average speed drops a little this morning but temperatures are rising significantly. The Trimaran use it again! by Extia sails at the latitude of Santiago, the capital of Chile.