Use It Again ! sur les écrans des villes

Last week, the media les petits frenchies broadcast a video presenting the Use It Again! and Romain's journey.

Depuis quelques jours c’est avec surprise que nous recevons des photos de dizaines de followers de cette vidéo diffusée sur des écrans phenix dans Paris, sa banlieue, mais aussi en région, comme à Vannes.

We decided to create a contest, with a draw among the photos sent in from the screens showing the Use It Again video! Check it out and participate on Facebook and Instagram 😉

Our active approach on the trimaran Use It Again! to find technical solutions in circular economy, and thus prove that moving to this type of economy is possible and necessary, interests more and more people.

This is positive and encouraging, we must continue to convince as many people as possible of the urgency of this transformation, and act each at our level, at home and in our companies.